Gucci is bringing its Cosmos exhibition to London, offering viewers the chance to delve deep into the House’s extensive 102-year history. Located at 180 Studios, the...
The story of Jacob & Co is one that continues to delight and astound luxury aficionados. Born in Uzbekistan during the Soviet era, Jacob Arabo’s family...
During times of economic uncertainty, luxury items tend to increase in popularity. Maybe it’s due to high-income people delaying buying big-ticket items but treating...
“Diamonds” singer Rihanna is stepping down as the chief executive officer of the lingerie brand she founded five years ago. Savage X Fenty first began...
Luxury brand makers are continuing to raise prices despite sluggish consumer sentiment amid an economic slowdown. Chanel Korea and Louis Vuitton Korea recently raised the...
As established airlines work to improve the commercial flying experience, boutique carriers are taking note and upping their game with business-class privileges and thoughtful touches...